Who We Are
Jamal Hashi Foundation was established in the UK in 2022 in order to fulfil the dreams and wishes of Jamal Hashi Abdule as well his son Yahye Jamal Hashi Abdule both of whom passed away in 2021. Jamal Hashi Foundation’s work is governed by the teachings of Islam, such as compassion, empathy, generosity and helping others in need. This is implemented through emergency responses and eliminating poverty and its causes by developing innovative and sustainable solutions that enable individuals and their communities to live with dignity.
“Those who spend their wealth [in Allah ‘s way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” –
[Quran, 2:274]

Our Vision
The vision is the alleviation of poverty, education for all, and for the provision of basic amenities for those in need; in order to create a world where charity and compassion produce justice, self-reliance, and human development.
Our Success
Since raising money as Sadaqah Jariyah for both Jamal Hashi Abdule and his son Yahye Abdule we have delivered key food and aid to children and young adults in Somalia. We have also built a Madrasa for children to attend and study the teachings of Islam.
Kids Empowered
Meals Donated
Certified Teachers
Founder Message
This foundation was setup in order to honour the memory of my Father as well as my brother, both of whom where charitable people. In order to continue their legacy this foundation aims to provide food and education to children and young adults who are the future of Somalia.